Do you know Dr. Ilona Bauer?

My philosophy

The main component of my work in the practice is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Apart from being a specialist for internal medicine and a qualified doctor for TCM I am aware that therapies can include Western methods so as to achieve the best results for your requests and complaints.

Within the field of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) I currently practice the following areas: Body acupuncture, herbalism (phytotherapy) and dietetics.

The treatment of Chinese medicine allows me to examine and question each patient on a highly individual basis and, in consideration of previous diagnoses in Western medicine, together we can devise and carry out a plan of therapy.
Personally I find working with Asian medicine very pleasant as most complaints can be, if not always cured, at any rate eased.
It also gives me the possibility to treat the complaints of patients that could not be diagnosed by Western medicine and therefore can be treated. This type of medicine is also most suitable for accompanying Western methods of treatment and easing complaints and side effects, for example chemotherapy in tumor treatment.
It is important to exchange experiences with colleagues who treat their patients purely with orthodox medicine and already there is constructive cooperation with pediatrics, gynecologists, mid-wives and practical doctors.

My therapeutic specializations


I gladly treat women with specific troubles. Period problems, birth preparation, infertility and menopause are such important matters.
As I myself am a mother I am familiar to the many challenges that women have to endure during pregnancy.



For many years acupuncture has been an accepted and effective method of healing many forms of pain. Needle treatment can also help with pulsating and thumping headaches as it is the case with migraine.
In my practice migraine patients are not uncommon. That is why it was possible to gain much experience on this subject and help many patients regain a healthy everyday life.

Muscles and joints

Muscle and joint complaints, as for example back pain, neck tension and joint pain play a large part in my practice.
My knowledge of Western and Eastern medicine complements one another in this area to harmonize muscles, joints and the nervous system.

Accompanying tumor patients

During my specialist training I often took care of oncologic and hematologic patients and accompanied them throughout their therapy.

Thanks to my training in traditional Chinese medicine I have been able to develop my interests and abilities even further.

Nowadays, besides the classical Western methods, I am familiar with the very gentle paths of East Asian healing that can accompany cancer patients during and after their course of therapy in hospital. TCM is suitable for reducing side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, for strengthening the immune systems general health and for increasing the quality of life in general.

Prevention and improving the immune system

Moreover I like working with people who want to prevent illnesses or strengthen their immune system. The main idea of traditional Chinese medicine was illness prevention and this is why a doctor was only allowed to stay at court until a member of the royal family was taken ill.


In my training as a specialist for internal medicine I specialized early on in diabetes and metabolic diseases.
A healthy diet influences all aspects of one’s health: It eases allergies and helps with indigestion and functional complaints. Let us get to know the food which will do you good.


TCM-Training and practical work:

Hospitation in Miyasaki,Japan bei Prof.Yamamoto

Diploma in Ausbildung und Diplom: Akupunktur und TCM bei Infertilität und unerfülltem Kinderwunsch (DRGM dtsch. Gesellschaft für Reproduktionsmedizin Düsseldorf (D)

Beginn der Yamamoto Schädelakupunktur,Meran.

Diploma for Chinese medicine therapy and final qualification for training in Chinese dietetic at the SMS (International association for Chinese medicine), Munich

since 2007
Own practice for internal medicine and acupuncture, Völs am Schlern

since 2007
Regular further training in TCM at the international association for Chinese medicine (SMS), Munich

since 2006
Freelance employee in the practice of Dr. G. Di Marino, Pedraces

A-Diploma for body acupuncture (OGKA)

2005 – 2006
Weekly work in the practice of Dr. G. Di Marino, Pedraces

2004 – 2006
Training at the Austrian association for controlled acupuncture and TCM (OGKA), Graz

Specialist training and medical work:

Diploma for geriatrics (Austrian medical association)

1999 – 2006
Doctor of 1. Class in the geriatric department of Bozen hospital; occasional care in the nursing department of Martinsheim, Kastelruth

Internist in clinic Amelung, clinic for psychiatrics, psychosomatics and internal medicine, Königstein/Taunus

Diabetologist DDG (German diabetes association)

1992 – 1998
Training as a specialist for internal medicine at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Prof. Dr. K. Höffken) specializing in: Endocrinology/Diabetology and Oncology

1990 – 1992
Wissenschaftlich-klinische Mitarbeiterin (Diabetes, Endokrinologie) in der Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung (Prof. Dr. G. Schernthaner), Wien

1983 – 1990
Medizinstudium und Promotion an der Universität Wien

Experience acquired abroad (Selection):

Clinical traineeship at the Georgetown University Washington D.C./USA (Radiology) and the NIH Bethesda/USA (Human genetics)

Scientific work:

Clinical trial i.v. Bisphosphonate therapy in ossified breast cancer

Severe hypoglycemia with type I diabetics: basal-bolus insulin therapy in comparison to a conventional insulin therapy

Severe hypoglycemia with type II diabetics: Acute therapy in rescue services

Patent application with the University of Jena as the inventor of an injection device for applying fluid substances


Ch. Schnack, I. Bauer, P. Pregnant, P. Hoppmeier, G. Schernthaner:
Hypomagnesemia in Type II diabetes is not corrected by improvement of long-term metabolic Control. Diabetologia, 35 (S. 77 – 79)

H. E. Kaiser and I. Bauer (1992):
Comparison of Arteriosklerosis, Neoplasm and Diabetes as the three main Killers of Man in the Industrialized World. in Vivo, Ausgabe Juli/August.

U. A. Müller, R. Schiel, E. Reuber, I. Bauer, W. Hunger-Dathe, B. Mertes, H. Janz und die Teilnehmer des 12. Weiterbildungslehrganges zur Diabetesberaterin (1995):
Was wissen Krankenschwestern über Diabetes mellitus?, Diabetes und Stoffwechsel 4 (S. 445 – 448)

Scientific presentations

in several Austrian, German and European diabetes congresses with the main focuses being hypoglycemia and dyslipidaemia

European diabetes congress in Dublin 9/91 Poster;
Ch. Schnack, I. Bauer, P. Pregnant, P. Hopmeier, G. Schernthaner:
Hypomagnesemia is not corrected by Improvement of long-term metabolic Control

German diabetes congress in Hannover 5/92-lecture
Austrian diabetes congress in Baden near Vienna-10/92- lecture
Frequency of severe hypoglycemia with basal-bolus insulin therapy in comparison to a conventional insulin therapy

European diabetes congress in Prag 9/92-Poster
I. Bauer, A. D’Assie, P. Donath, S. Bruck and G. Schernthaner
Severe hypoglycemia in type I diabetes is related to HbA1c, diabetes duration and insulin therapy strategy

German diabetes congress in Ulm 5/93-Vortrag
Austrian diabetes congress in Gmunden 10/93-Vortrag
Seid Martina, Müller U.A., Bauer Ilona, Schulze-Schleppinghof, B., Jörgens,V., Berger M.
Detailed anamneses of type I diabetics and their relations after severe Hypoglycemia: Results of a clinical trial

German diabetes congress in Berlin 5/94 -Poster
**Bauer Ilona, und Schernthaner G. **
The effect of bezafibrate and lovastatin on dyslipaemia, , diabetes control and haemostatic system in type II diabetes: A controlled study over a period of 12 weeks

European diabetes congress in Düsseldorf 9/94-Poster
I.Bauer, T. Vukovic, P. Hopmeier & G. Schernthaner
The effect of bezafibrate and lovastatin on dyslipaemia, diabetes control and haemostatic system in type-2 diabetes

Lectures and workshops:

3 and 4 diabetics training seminar for trained diabetes staff, Vienna 11/91 and 11/92

Insulin injection and injection aid in theory and in practice
Further education of the Austrian diet assistants, Vienna 4/91

Current therapy strategies for diabetes mellitus
Lecture for the Lilly-Symposium Paris 12/91:
Diabetes teaching programme

Austrian medical association seminar, Vienna 3/92
Diabetes training for older type II diabetics, basal-bolus-insulin therapy

Austrian diabetes day in Vienna 3/92
If sugar gets to you

Knittelfeld/Steiermark 11/92
Workshop for basal-bolus insulin therapy

Further education in diabetics within the Thuringian society of diabetics 11/92
Causes, measures, strategy of ousting and hypoglycemia with diabetics

Experts’ forum about alpha-glycosidase Inhibitors, Cologne 3/94
Are there any indications for Glycobay for type I diabetics?

Diabetics’ self-help group in Vienna: 6/95
Hypo – no problem

12° Training course for diabetes consultancy, Jena 8/95
Self-regulation and documentation

Saalfelder childrens diabetes day, 10/95
Diabetes and traveling

Clinic Dr. Amelung, Königstein/Ts. 7/97
Current views in diabetes therapy

Geriatrics seminar, Salzburg 12/2005
Serious hypoglycemia of type II diabetics

Patients' literatur:

Basal-bolus insulin therapy information brochure for Hoechst Austria
Autoren: Dr. Ilona Bauer, Dr. Alexandra D'Assie, Dr. Nicole Eibl
Medizinische Abteilung Krankenhaus Rudolstiftung ,Wien: Prof. Schernthaner
Hoechst Austria

Development of brochures for patients about „secondary types of diabetes“
Autor: Dr. Ilona Bauer
Hoechst Deutschland

Dott.ssa Ilona Bauer

Specialista in Medicina Interna e Agopuntura — P.IVA IT-02535940213

Bauer Akupunktur © 2014-2025